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The Definition of Insanity

Change can be difficult to accept

the definition of insanity

‘The Act of Doing the Same Things Over and Over Again and Expecting a Different Result…. Can you see where this applies to business?

Albert Einstein once described the definition of insanity as an act of doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. You have probably heard the quote multiple times too, and found yourself nodding along to it. However, in spite of the frequency at which this statement is thrown around, the irony remains that very few business owners actually apply it. For instance, what do you find yourself thinking or saying when you hear it? Do you think, “Yep, I am all over this and change is my friend,” or “Yep, I know this. I want to make the changes, but do not know how or where to start.”

All of us wish that the first response was true for us. More importantly, we need it to be true. However, with the day-to-day challenges you face in the business world, the second response probably holds true instead. There’s nothing wrong with that, though. It’s okay to acknowledge that you don’t have all the answers. The key lies in whether you are willing to do something about that.

That’s where a business coach can help you out.   

Why Work with a Business Coach?

A business coach can help you see the change you want in your business and you personally. They help you find and adopt a different, but more meaningful approach, towards the change you so desperately want to see in your business. They change your perspective by making you see things from a different point of view.

Whether you answered yes to the first question or the second, a business coach can help you. If you are a business owner that embraces change, a business coach can be a great ally and guide to have on board. They will guide you on your way to success and steer your business towards positive change.

On the other hand, if you find yourself to be in the second category of business owners, then your business coach will help you understand change and guide you throughout the process. They will change your perspective about how you look at your business. They will teach you to treat problems as an opportunity and learn from them rather than fret over the impact they will have on your business. They help you identify different opportunities that you come across and ways to make the most of them. They bring a fresh perspective to your business and give you the freedom and peace to make decisions that may be difficult but ultimately the best for your business.

The Final Word

We are about to enter in 2020. It is high time that you, as a business owner, start reflecting upon what you have achieved and what you have lost in these last 12 months. Was 2019 a successful year for you, or was it the same as the previous ones? What would you like to do differently next year?

If you find yourself stuck in the labyrinth of doing the same thing over and over again, then you must accept that something is wrong.  Once you understand this, you will be ready to move forward. Of course, there’s no denying that while change is inevitable, it is also frightening.  If you are in a similar dilemma, then you can consider reaching out to a business coach for help.  It’s one of the best ways to figure out the right direction for you and your business. A business coach can help you gain new insights and achieve change. Unless, of course, the definition of insanity works for you.

Does it?

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